New Match!

new match brian pamela.jpeg

New match alert!

Brian and Pamela, both teachers, are going on their very first outing today with their new friend Sam*. While getting to know Sam and his family, we found out that he loves motorcycles. It just so happens that Brian just got one! Even though they won't be riding the motorcycle together, they'll get to share that interest and curiosity.

Today these three are going to grab bite to eat and head to the park to play. The simplicity of this outing is what Faithful Friends is all about - the little moments that will make a big impact in the life of a child.

This month, we've made 4 new matches. That means 4 more children are getting one-on-one attention once a week. We're so grateful for the opportunity to help create these lifelong friendships.


A Record Breaking Month!


Happy Easter!