Thankful for our ‘other’ volunteers
Volunteers are the life blood of so many non-profits. We are no exception. Yet, when most folks think of volunteers with Faithful Friends, they probably picture an adult mentor. But our “other” volunteers are also critical to makings, especially events, run smoothly.
Take, as a recent example, our Bowl-a-Thon:
Don and Sally are friends of Chon’s and first-time volunteers.
John C (on right) is a pastor at at Door of Hope SE. He is also a newer board member and volunteered to mobilize friends from church to come help out.
These guys were part of John C’s volunteer group no doubt discussing volunteering duties :)
Anya attends Bridgetown where she heard about us a few years back and was looking for the right opportunity in which to volunteer.
Kristin, the lady with her back turned, chaired the committee of volunteers that set up the Bowl-a-Thon. They spent a lot of time and effort to make sure this fundraiser went smoothly and was a lot of fun, complete with great raffle prizes.
If you pay close attention to photos from multiple events, you start to recognize familiar faces. Below is a shot from Be a Rock 2022 and, sure enough, this husband and wife volunteer bar-tending duo has a forward-facing image of Kristin shown above.
Amanda was recruited by Kristin and was all too happy to come shoot photos of our event.
Notice any more familiar faces in the photo below from our Oaks Park event this year?
Want to volunteer? Let us know by filling out this form.