A Love Stretched Life

Seven years ago, Faithful Friends employee Anna sat down with Jillana Goble in the Mt. Tabor neighborhood to talk with her about what it would look like to match up her adopted son with a mentor. At that time our non-profit was still new and severely understaffed. It would take two years before a match was made that still continues today.

For Curtis, our program director, this was his very first match made at Faithful Friends. He remembers Jillana making the whole experience special for the mentor couple and for Curtis. When he rang the doorbell, he remembers Micah yell with excitement: "THEY ARE HERE!" Jillana laid out kitchen table activities to break the ice.

"I knew in making this match that God was doing a great work in the background using the seeds He planted years ago. From the first night, I knew this couple would be a part of this family for a long, long time." -Curtis

Today Jillana’s new book about their family’s experience in fostering is releasing in “A Love-Stretched Life” and we are pleased to have played a small part in providing further stability for their adopted son Micah. Here’s what Jillana had to say about the mentoring relationship:

Jillana is the founder of Every Child Oregon, a fostering-focused non-profit. “Partnering with ODHS and community organizations, Every Child works to solve Oregon’s foster care crisis through marketing, education, one-on-one connections, and public and private initiatives.“

Book intro from Jillana’s website:


It's easy to feel overburdened by life's demands. Looking out into the world as well as under the roof of our home may cause us to question, “How did we get here? And how will we get through?”

Jillana Goble has been there. With honesty, faith, and a dose of humor, her debut memoir, A Love-Stretched Life, chronicles what she’s continually learning on the suspension bridge between reality and hope. A mom via foster care, birth, and adoption—in that order—for nearly two decades, Jillana has experienced life's curveballs. Her come-as-you-are posture amidst a daily reality far different than she ever imagined reassures you that you're not alone if your life isn't tidily wrapped in a bow.

This compilation of stories will stay with you as you strive to love and to love well, even when—and especially when—it's hard. Whether you are widening your family circle or just trying to get through the day, Jillana welcomes you to her table, offering you an anchor of hope to hang on to as you navigate your own love-stretched life.

We have some free copies to give away!
If you want one, enter to win by commenting below or contacting us. Must be local to win. Good luck!

If you want to see Jillana in person, head over to Sellwood on June 11 for her book launch.


World Refugee Sundays


Foster Care Focus