
Christ Crucified between the Two Thieves: The Three Crosses ca. 1660 by Rembrandt van Rijn

We trust this Holy Week has been a special time to reflect upon the suffering of our Lord Jesus as we look forward to celebrating His resurrection. In my recent reflection from the Lectio 365 prayer app by 24-7 Prayer I am reminded of why we do what we do:

In Matthew 27:45-49 we read that there was a great darkness over the land as Jesus cried out, while hanging on the cross enduring suffering we cannot even begin to imagine, anger and sadness with the overwhelming feeling of being forsaken and rejected.

I take great comfort in knowing that our Lord experienced rejection and an aloneness at a depth none of us will ever know. While being fully God, he was also fully man and, in that, He knows the suffering and rejection that many of our children face as they experience profound challenges. I do what I do, we do what we do, to see children given new life and hope they may not otherwise experience if they never had a faithful, loving friend who walks with Jesus and alongside them.


It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
— S.M. Lockridge

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