Motoring for Mentors 05.18.24
We held our second Motoring for Mentors car show event on May 18th at Parklane Church in outer southeast Portland. These events are designed to bring awareness to the need for mentorship in our community.
While the weather was a bit cool and damp, keeping away many car enthusiasts we had hoped to host, event director Al Nodarse shares some wins from the day.
Dave, one of our event coordinators who attends Parklane, has a lovely classic red firetruck that was struggling to start due to a faulty part. Fortunately, someone else at the event had the part readily available for this 1930s Ford. After replacement, it still took about 10 folks to push start the truck, but then the fun rides commenced!
This grey Impala (above) has been owned by the same guy for over 30 years! The proud owner bought it when he was 17 years old and has been modifying it ever since!
Doug Morris drove all the way from Beaverton in his 5.0 Mustang!
He leads the Father's Day Car Show at Sunset Church. He's owned the car for over 30 years before he met his wife and before they had their two kids.
He has rebuilt the car from the ground up and is still making modifications. (Photo from a previous event.)
The blue/white El Camino at our event was purchased by the owner’s wife. They had one when they first started dating over 50 years ago and sold it. She had been looking for another one and found one half-way across the USA. She bought it sight unseen while her husband was on a business trip. When he came home, she said "I have good news and bad news". The good news is I found you a car. The bad news is that if you don't want it, we will lose our deposit. They kept it and gave it a unique custom electric blue / off-white paint job.
Program coordinator Cia came with her family. Her little girl simply fell in LOVE with the Hot Wheels Tracks. She dropped her little Teddy Bear on the pavement and forgot about him for over an hour! She also rode in Dave's fire truck for the first time!
Our 50/50 raffle pot was $120 and we raised over $550 in donations. Thanks to all who gave!

We plan to host Motoring for Mentors monthly during the summer, but we’re on the lookout for good church parking lots. If you have one in mind and might have a way of helping us secure it, please get in touch!