Photoshoot at Salmon Creek Regional Park

Naomi and *Ciara first began meeting up in August 2020. Since that strange covid summer they’ve done a lot together including several visits to Echo Ranch where they ride and care for horses, go to the movies, drink boba tea, enjoy photoshoots, shop, eat yummy food (of course), sing lots of Disney tunes, and swim together in the river or at Salmon Creek Regional Park where this series of photos comes on July 20th.

Over the past two years these two young ladies have grown a lot together in their friendship. To anyone that knows Naomi, it’s obvious she cares deeply about people. As someone who benefited from mentorship as a younger person, she is eager to give the same caring attention to a young person looking for the same. Her care for people is evident in everything she does: from the songs she composes as a singer/songwriter, to the work she does with at-risk youth. This has most recently taken shape as she helps young people being served through Transitional Youth where she helps young people with their goals, encouraging them to overcome challenges and move toward independence and stability.

In her relationship with Ciara, she has been pleased to see growth in many ways in this young lady as she enters her teen years. Naomi and Ciara are in the process of continuing to meet up regularly, though stepping out from Faithful Friends oversight.

Naomi and *Ciara in 2022

Throwback to August 2020

Are you interested in having us share with your church or small group in the Portland/Vancouver area to see how you can find a match in your neighborhood? Just let us know!


Summer Fun at Blue Lake


Swim Lessons