Friendship: Compassion

Today is National Special Education Day, so for our stories that share a positive aspect on the theme of friendship, we look at two examples that show compassion. Compassion allows us to enter into the space, find empathy for and show care and concern for those who are suffering in some way.

One of our mentors, Regina, has a daughter wish special needs. Her mentee, *Erin, has really enjoyed getting to know Regina’s daughter and has been such a blessing to both Regina and her daughter. Erin has shown such gentleness, awareness and accommodation when spending time with the two of them. The compassion that is evident in Erin’s spirit is obvious and overflowing.

Opportunities to interact with those who are different from us at such a young age can be a powerful influence in childhood development, even guiding future choices of occupation or planting seeds that sprout into action that leaves the world a better place.

Another mentor, Misty, has a mentee who is hearing impaired. Misty’s son has formed a sweet friendship with *Naomi in the last seven months since the match started. They like to play on the trampoline, do crafts together, and have epic nerf gun battles.

Keep following our stories that showcase aspects of good friendship: (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or on our blog).


Friendship: Thoughtfulness


Friendship: Reliability