Friendship: Longevity
friendship Tim Cowley friendship Tim Cowley

Friendship: Longevity

We finish our look at positive aspects of friendship with two stories this week featuring one of our "forever friend" matches as we consider LONGEVITY through the example of Rachael and Biana...

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Friendship: Fun & Play
friendship Tim Cowley friendship Tim Cowley

Friendship: Fun & Play

Having fun and playing together is a pretty normal goal for many of our mentor & mentee meetups. Sometimes the fun and play can lead to wider recognition like it has for one of our mentees…

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Friendship: Honesty and Mutuality
friendship Tim Cowley friendship Tim Cowley

Friendship: Honesty and Mutuality

Allison and *May are another example of a life-giving relationship sparked by mentoring. Allison ended up moving away and their mentoring match through Faithful Friends was then closed after mentoring through the program for 2 years…

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Friendship: Trust
friendship Tim Cowley friendship Tim Cowley

Friendship: Trust

“I did it! I’m so happy I just want to cuss so bad right now”. Trust is a critical component of a healthy friendship. Kids are naturally trusting but sometimes things happen in their lives…

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Friendship: Thoughtfulness
friendship Tim Cowley friendship Tim Cowley

Friendship: Thoughtfulness

As we continue looking at qualities of good friendship, we share the story of one of our most recent matches. Luke and his wife Jaci were matched with an energetic young man whose roots stretch across the ocean to Sierra Leone, West Africa…

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