Friendship: Emotional Support

Brian and *Tyler have been matched for three years in the Canby area.

Brian is a veteran of the Iraqi war and he first met Tyler when he was in first grade.

Tyler was being bullied at school and was struggling with how he should respond.

Through Faithful Friends, Brian found out about A Kids Book About Bullying and he shared the book with Tyler. They were able to talk through some healthy ways to deal with bullying in the future.

We are so grateful for Brian and our other mentors who continue to struggle with the challenges of providing healthy emotional support to children navigating life.

Follow us on social media to keep up with our story series focusing on healthy aspects of friendship as displayed between our mentor and mentee matches. Find us at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.

In the video below, Brian talks about his time as a mentor.


Friendship: Trust


Friendship: Building Confidence