Friendship: Honesty and Mutuality

Allison and *May are another example of a life giving relationship sparked by mentoring. Allison ended up moving away and their mentoring match through Faithful Friends was then closed after mentoring through the program for 2 years. 

But that didn't stop them!

Though they are no longer matched through Faithful Friends, they continue to stay in touch over zoom. This is a relationship that means so much to both of them that they want to stay in touch regardless of where their physical distance. 

Allison has been helping May, who speaks Cantonese, with her English vocabulary, while May has helped Allison keep her child-like wonder and optimism. May isn’t afraid to ask about the meaning of words and phrases she doesn’t understand.

Their relationship displays a special HONESTY and MUTUALITY that requires vulnerability and openness. May's parents are forever grateful for the relationship that Allison has built with their daughter. 


Friendship: Fun & Play


Friendship: Trust